Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Machine Learning, AI and Digital Transformation

AI refers to a variety of technologies, some pretty basic and others very advanced. Basic AI has been in use for many years. As for the advanced - well, it's hard to define that, since it keeps changing so fast.

A powerful use of AI now is in the area of autonomous data analytics. The word autonomous implies that the analytics are able to stand on their own - able to make their own decisions. This is what is happening with the help of AI and machine learning.

Companies have more data available to them than at any time in history. However, that data is of little use unless it is analyzed so as to yield useful insights and prospective information. Also, the analysis must go a lot further than simply being sufficient to support a particular hypothesis. Rather it must be mined to yield the secrets and lessons it holds.

Autonomous analytics, aided by AI, supports that approach by being able to recognize relationships in the data that can then be used to formulate further lines of enquiry. That's where machine learning comes in. All of this is automated. In addition, the analysis can encompass very large bodies of data, maybe even all the data available to a particular company.

Techniques for implementing such systems are advancing quickly and several companies have been reporting useful results.

For a good paper on this subject check out this one.

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