Monday, August 19, 2013

Facebook Launches a New Payment System

Facebook has announced a new payment system which involves shoppers registering their credit card with Facebook and then using their Facebook login to make purchases without having to enter the additional data required my most vendors. It's not likely to be a serious contender, however. Wait for Isis, coming later this year.  

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Internet of Things - Opportunity and Risk

Check out this article on the opportunities and risks involved with having more appliances and devices connected to the internet.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Big Data in Perspective

With all the hype over big data lately, it's good to sit back and look at it in a balanced way, to try to see it in perspective. That's why this article is refreshing. It looks at some common myths about big data, and deals with them decisively. Have a read.

Friday, August 09, 2013

How Organic Search Terms Can Save in Online Advertising Costs

Many organizations purchase their online advertising at costs that are growing rapidly. This company, helped by Deloitte, did extensive data analysis on sales and their customers, demographics, etc and determined that the use of organic or natural search terms would yield results as good as the paid advertising at much less cost.  A valuable lesson for all. Check it out here.

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Why Tablets are Outpacing Laptops

Here's a great article on why tablets are so successful. Some of it is obvious, but the world of tablets is changing fast. They are becoming more powerful and are successfully integrating business solutions which will mean a rapid increase in their dominance. Here's the article.

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Online Grocery Shopping May be Taking Off

New uses of mobile technology by Peapod and others have triggered an increased interest in online grocery shopping. Certainly there are segments of the population, large ones, who are just waiting for such a service on a large scale. Here's more on this topic.