Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Emergence of the Data Scientist

Big data has dominated the news in the business world for the past year. If anyone ever doubts the veracity of those claims that big data is important, consider the emergence of the Data Scientist. This is a new job type that didn't exist only a couple of years ago. But now companies are scrambling to fill their new Data Scientist positions. And they are lucrative. Starting salaries run in the $110,000 to $120,000 range. Universities are adding new courses and even majors. Stanford is planning a new masters track in the field.

The Data Scientist is a new role, but one that will be around for the long term. The internet is making, and will continue to make, more data available to companies and they are learning that a judicious use of those data can increase their opportunities and decrease their risk. Check out this article on the subject.

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