Thursday, April 14, 2011

Microsoft Makes a Decisive Move into the Private Cloud

Cloud computing has been a big trend in computer systems because it removes many of the issues around systems development and management. Companies can implement systems on proven platforms using proven applications. Of course, they sacrifice many of the customizations that come with self developed and managed systems, but for many companies the sacrifice is worth it.

On the other hand, some companies have been reluctant to go to the cloud because it is, after all, an outsourcing activity, and subject to many of the pitfalls of outsourcing, such as reliance on outside management, and dependence on security structures that may not fully meet the company's normal standards. Few companies are willing to sacrifice much in the way of security standards.

One solution that has been gaining support is that of private clouds. These are systems, still in the cloud and still offered by outside vendors but which involve more control and management by the customer.

Microsoft has recently announced a major initiative in the field of private cloud computing in the form of System Center 2012.

System Center 2012 is a cloud based application that an IT shop can make available to its users that features a self service portal enabling users to select the features they want without having to deal with the underlying systems. For example, the system allows selection of logical networks, load balancers, storage, memory and virtual CPUs. There is more at this link.

Virtualization in the cloud by using private cloud technology is moving into the forefront of enterprise systems. Watch for the competition to step up.

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