Tuesday, April 05, 2011

HYBRID HOSTING - The Next Evolution of the Cloud?

"Hybrid hosting, an approach that combines components of dedicated hosting and cloud hosting in a single solution, allows businesses to switch seamlessly between dedicated hosted services and cloud services, or use both simultaneously, as needed. In particular, hybrid hosting solutions recognize that a business will have different sets of requirements for different types of computing needs as well as requirements associated with specific types of applications. For mission-critical applications, including line-of-business and proprietary applications, stability and security requirements may point to the need for dedicated hosting. Usage associated with promotional events and campaigns, or any application that experiences highly variable traffic and usage patterns, may be better suited to scalable cloud solutions.

Rather than forcing businesses to choose just one platform, hybrid hosting gives businesses access to both, integrating the strengths of each seamlessly without incurring unnecessary costs and without introducing undesirable complexity. As a result, “[t]he bulk of business computing will shift out of private data centers to the cloud,” according to noted technology author Nicholas Carr.2 To look at what that shift entails, we will examine next the basic elements of hybrid hosting."
The white paper can be downloaded at this link.

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