Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The North American cell phone/pda revolution is under way and it is going to be a convergence of epic proportions. it's about new content. Soon, voice only cell phones will be a distant memory and the new versions will be configurable or customizable to handle pictures, music, video and other content as you wish. they'll be routinely used to surf the web, handle e-mail, make payments at cash registers, and pay tolls on highways. They will interface with your laptop, upload and download data wirelessly and become an integral part of your information system. Microsoft is trying to seize the moment with their windows Mobile Operating System, designed for cell phones/pda's and if they are successful could be very successful as they will be able to capitalize on their overwhelming penetration of Windows into the small computer market. This will mean even more challenges for the established purveyors of mobile phones, but great opportunities as well. Technology Review: Emerging Technologies and their Impact

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