Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Social Media on Websites

As the usage and value of business interaction with social media grows, so does the value of traditional websites decline. People (customers and potential customers) are looking to social media to gain understanding of a brand or to have their questions answered. That means companies who do not make effective use of social media, and more importantly make it clear on their websites, are missing the boat. So how does a business enhance their website to include social media. There are several important ways we are seeing. First and most obvious, include social media icons on a prominent place on the website. Certainly on the lead page and on other pages where it makes strategic sense. But that's not enough. Include the ability of users to like the page, or to like, share and tweet particular entries. Also, to join a discussion on LinkedIn. Where there are logins, allow users to log in using their Facebook or other social media logins. The website needs to be fully integrated with the social media presence of the business. So the social media strategy and the overall web presence need to be a unified strategy. For some ideas on how to integrate websites with social media, check out this article

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