Friday, July 27, 2012

Inplementing Social CRM

Social media. Big data. data analytics. All terms that we keep hearing and that are becoming more and more important to all businesses. Social media makes available all kinds of data in large volumes. These data can be very useful to corporate CRM and often BI systems as well. Most companies have come to realize that, and in fact, the use of big data from social media has run the traditional gamut, from bestowing competitive advantage in the beginning to just remaining competitive. Everyone is now into it.

So the question becomes how to maximise the benefits of mining social media derived data.

One thing is clear, it requires new and probably different tools. Tools that have the capability to handle large amounts of data, that have complex and sophisticated functionality and that can be used to generate customized analytical routines. Now the only way to generate competitive advantage is to be innovative in the way in which your company uses social media data. and, of course, the tools need to be able to interface with your social media connections as well as your CRM system, and possibly your BI system. This is a big challenge.

The article referenced here outlines this challenge and also points to a few tools worth looking at. We will feature other similar articles as they come available.

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