Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Google Crosses the Line

As the press has widely reported, Google has admitted to eavesdropping on the activities of thousands of WiFi users around the world and archiving the resultant information. To gather that information was an unrivaled display of moral turpitude, electronic recklessness and arrogance. The kind of activity by a large corporation that should raise our hackles and put us to full upright attention as to the state of morality and ethics in the e-world, in the corporate world or both. Fortunately, they (say that they) did not make use of the information, and have volunteered to delete it. However, in recognition of pending lawsuits, they are holding it until they gain legal permission to get rid of it.

Many have expressed concern about the potential of the information age to turn into a "Big Brother" world, where the activities of citizens are monitored and eventually controlled by superpower corporate/government overlords. Some of those expressing dire warnings have been derided as being paranoid. But there is no doubt that the potential is there and will only be avoided by the constant vigilance of all citizens - everyone. So pay attention to where your data is going. Pay attention to the laws that govern the collection and use of private information. Make sure that private information is kept private through clear and powerful legislation and diligent regulators. It's important!

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