Tuesday, April 06, 2010

E-Buyers Still Have Security Concerns

When e-commerce began, there was a great deal of concern about security on the internet. For good reason, people just did not trust it and were hesitant to put their credit card information on a site. Since that time of about 15 years ago, there has been a vast amount of money invested in better security for online shoppers. Most people are aware of this effort. On the other hand, the media has reported numerous cases almost on a daily basis of instances of fraud, phishing and hackings. Some of those stories are scary, involving situations in which people lost substantial sums of money and experienced difficulty in getting it back, if they ever did. So consumers are still fearful of e-commerce, and more than careful about which sites they buy from.

To some extent this fear is healthy, but it may be that it is now being overdone. Security has indeed improved, and the volume of e-commerce activity has continued to increase, albeit not as at great a rate as it would have if the concerns about security weren't there. Sites attempting to sell online need to include as much calming material as possible, to try to assuage the fears of the skittish consumer, as indicated in this article.

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