Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mobile Technology

Many experts agree that cell/smart phones wil be the dominant means of connecting to the internet in future. They could also become a dominant means of payment at stores, kiosks, etc. Two things need to happen. The software for the phones needs to improve. For example, search engines on phones are poor right now. However, new software is coming out that will change all that. There is even a fledgling start at the use of voice recognition software that will enable people to search the net by speaking into the phone. That is bound to be popular, when it becomes good enough. The other thing that needs to happen is that people need to accept this use of phones. They already do in Europe and Asia. But North America has been lagging in this area. Nevertheless, the European and Asian experience shows that people will accept these new usages of phones, so when the new tools and softwware come to market, watch for a big change in the way we interact with the web. This month, Technology Review has a special section on Mobile Technology that discusses these and more issues.

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