Wednesday, February 25, 2009

CRM and Mobile Units
by Gerald Trites

CRM systems always have presented opportunities for connections with mobile devices. That's because CRM is based on relationships with customers, and the most effective means of developing good customer relationships is and always has been giving them the attention they need and spending time with them when they want it. So the people directly involved with customers need to be in the field and that means they need to have some connectivity with the home system. This has long been an issue with companies, and numerous companies have tried different ways to deal with it. Now, Blackberry is coming out with new CRM applications that will make it easier for users to interface with their CRM systems. This is a logical move and the only question one would have is - Why did it take so long? Of course, iPhone is planning to compete in this sphere as well, but may be up against their positioning as a consumer device, whereas the Blackberry has long been positioned as a business device. More on this at


Anonymous said...

Informative post. Great to hear a new CRM app is coming out for the Blackberry.

Anonymous said...

Great news for CRM-Blackberry users. Excellent post.