Monday, November 04, 2019

Gartner's Top Ten Technology Trends

Gartner has released a report on the top ten technology trends for 2020. The 10 strategic technology trends highlight trends that enterprises need to consider as part of their five-year strategic technology planning process. Strategic technology trends have the potential to both create opportunity and drive significant disruption.

The list incorporates items that would be expected, such as AI and Internet of Things, but takes them a step further to focus on the aspects of those obvious trends that will be most important.

In the case of AI, the focus is on AI related security, which is and will be a major issue along with ethics. For Blockchain the focus in making it more usable. With the cloud it’s on distributed cloud.  

The report includes the following recommendations for companies:

          Center their innovation efforts on people and use tools such as personas, journey maps, technology radars, and roadmaps to evaluate opportunities, challenges and time frames for adoption.
          Build an overarching view across functional and process silos and exploit a complementary set of tools including RPA, iBPMS, DTO, application development, and AI domains that guide how the tools are used and the systems they create are integrated.
          Embrace multiexperience and implement development platforms and design principles to support conversational, immersive and increasingly ambient experiences.
          Establish governance principles, policies, best practices and technology architectures to increase transparency and trust regarding data and the use of AI.

The report is available at this link.

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