Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Digital Transformation - A Major Shift

As more and more companies make the move to digitize their entire enterprise, the challenges are coming out more clearly. A recent survey commissioned by Infosys shows that: "At the present time, respondent organizations use digital technologies for core IT management (79%), customer relationship management (62%) and business process management (60%). Moving forward, they plan to use digital technologies for knowledge management (33%), operational intelligence (31%) and product development (28%). Already, 67% leverage big data analytics. More than half of that group have already made deep learning investments."

"Adoption of AI (56%), IoT (42%) and blockchain (30%) are also growing as organizations proceed down the digital transformation path."

Implementation of applications utilizing such technologies as Artificial Intelligence, blockchain and big data analytics, will result in the elimination of numerous jobs, mostly those involving routine functions. But new skills will be needed and the challenge to organizations is to do the required retraining of their people to be able to handle new business processes, as they become more automated using these techniques.

For a great discussion of the challenges, check out this article.

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