Monday, April 29, 2013

Crowdfunding Moves On

The idea of raising money over the internet for new business startups and charities has gained considerable prominence over the past two years. A leading website - - has continued to flourish and is now accompanied by numerous others.

There has been controversy in the regulatory field, with initial resistance from the major securities regulators. However, the SEC blazed a path with new legislation - the JOBS Act - that has been followed by similar proposals from the Ontario Securities Commission.

The National Crowdfunding Association has a very informative website where it is pointed out that the industry was expected to grow 2.6 billion for 2012. Over 800 million was raised in North America.

Crowdfunding is now a legitimate means of fund raising, and one that is proving useful for countless business startups and charities. while it does require the involvement of legal advice for business startups in particular, nevertheless the potential for raising capital is tremendous.

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