Wednesday, March 20, 2013

No Metrics for Mobile Advertising?

Metrics are an important driver for advertising. That's because advertising is expensive and advertisers need to know that their money is being spent productively. Good metrics can tell them whether people are responding to the advertising by actually buying the products.

The problem that they are experiencing with mobile advertising is that the means to obtain the data for metrics - cookies - are not effective for mobile units, and in fact mobile phones do not contain the capacity for cookies. In addition, users often switch between different devices, phones, tablets, PC's, to do their transactions. So it's hard for the advertisers to track their activities. In any event, there are growing constraints on tracking mobile users because of privacy laws.

Intuitively, there is a strong feeling that mobile advertising should pay dividends despite some apparent resistance from mobile users, and the advertisers are going to have to come up with ways to measure the results. This will require some innovation, but should be possible. Check out this article for more.

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