Friday, August 31, 2007 Kapica's Cyberia

The market is trying out different applications that might work commercially on cellphones. A new and different one comes from Britain - comic strips. It is even regenerating some of the old classics. It may be a good idea for the use of cells. Small high impact images that are easy to download and will look fine on a small screen. It could be really popular here as well. Kapica's Cyberia

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Technology Review: Technology helps reinvent cell phone advertising, distant it from spam

The increasing use of cell phones and pda's for activities other than just talking has led to a frantic search for ways to convey advertising on them without bothering the users. The latest idea is to use the search facilities on the phones along with their ability to know where the user is located to offer up ads that might be of particular interest to a user. Technology Review: Technology helps reinvent cell phone advertising, distant it from spam

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Seminar – XBRL Canada

The Voluntary XBRL Filing Program of the Canadian Securities Administrators

Where: Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre, 1088 Burrard Street, Vancouver, British Columbia.

When: October 2, 2007, 9:00AM – 5:00PM

Purpose: To provide an understanding of the benefits and requirements of the CSA Voluntary Filing Program (VFP) and knowledge and skills related to participating in it.

Instructors: Eric E Cohen, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Gerald Trites, CICA, XBRL Canada
A representative of the CSA/BC Securities Commission

Proposed Program:

MORNING SESSIONS: Intended for senior decision makers, as well as those who will be involved in filing under the VFP

9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Breakfast: Background and call to action
- Introduction to the use of XBRL, its global importance, and the SEC (US) program
- Background on the Canadian VFP, its benefits and requirements
- Call to action: Why your company should participate
With special speaker xxx, BCSC

10 AM -11:30 AM What you need to know to get started
- Technical aspects of the CSA program
- SEC (US) filings examples
- The Canadian taxonomy: what and where it is, and why you need it
- Resources for you to get engaged: Software, Services, Web site and other educational and technical resources

Lunch – to be provided on site

AFTERNOON SESSION: Intended for those who will be in charge of or actually preparing the XBRL files for submission under the VFP. This is a hands-on event for participants to learn-by-doing.

12:30 PM – 5:00 PM Working/Tagging Session (limited to 12 with priority for companies who are planning to file on the program. Participants should bring a portable computer[1] and their own financial statements)
- Working with the Canadian taxonomy
- Introduction to XBRL “technical” issues: the terms and tasks
- Introduction to Fujitsu Taxonomy Editor and Instance Document Creator
- Use of Fujitsu to “tag” financials
- Hands-on time: attendees will prepare their own financial statements with assistance from instructors
- Special topics Canadian/US, industry specific and company extensions

To register, please email to or call Lucia Ng at 416-977-3222 x526

[1] The Computer should be Windows XP or Vista, with available disk space for loading up to 50 MB of files and sufficient access rights to be able to load software. Registrants will be sent additional requirements in advance as well as instructions to download and prepare their systems. The XBRL Canada Blog

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Technology Review: Making Money in Second Life

The virtual world - Second Life - has a real economy, where people are making real money. In this article, the CFO of Linden Lab, comments on the Second Life economy. Technology Review: Making Money in Second Life

Monday, August 13, 2007

Good Technology Is Nice; A Good Idea Is Better -

A good idea is better for obtaining venture capital than new technology, on that people seem to be agreed. And there seems to be lots of venture capital out there, although the current liquidity crunch in the equity markets will change that. However there still is debate about whether a good business model is required up front. When the bubble burst in the nineties, we learned the importance of a good business model. Are we getting slack again? Good Technology Is Nice; A Good Idea Is Better -

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

E-Commerce News: E-Marketing: Wants to Steal eBay's Friends has launched a new service - Garage Sale - which is intended as a direct competitor of eBay. The idea is that Garage Sale would be used on social networking sites to auction goods and services. With the tremendous popularity of sites like Facebook, and the entrenched usage of auctioning, especially through eBay, it makes a lot of sense to bring the two together. E-Commerce News: E-Marketing: Wants to Steal eBay's Friends

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Google has revealed a prototype cell phone. Their idea for a business model is to rely on advertising for revenue rather than the traditional sales price. This will mean that users will have to listen to commercials when they use their phone. An interesting idea, but will it work? Report: Google Shows Phone Prototype to Vendors - - Business Technology Leadership

Monday, August 06, 2007

Google Checkout was launched about a year ago to challenge Paypal, as the leading online payment system. So far it hasn't achieved that. Here's a comparison of the two. Technology Review: Review: Google Checkout offers simple payment option, but PayPal far more versatile

Friday, August 03, 2007 YouTube slammed over copyright issues

YouTube is getting a lot of flack over copyright. It's an issue they need to deal with. Otherwise it could be a drain on them and on Google's new investment. YouTube slammed over copyright issues

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Technology Review: Securing Cell Phones

Data moves around a lot these days often on different types of unit, like PDA's and Cell phones. A recent security breach on Apple's new iPhone is causing some companies to take a closer look at their mobile data security measures. Technology Review: Securing Cell Phones