Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Impact of New Technologies on Accounting and Audit - UN/CEFACT

For more than thirty years, UN/CEFACT has been developing and publishing standards for accounting and audit purposes. They have often been in the vanguard of advanced technologies and new innovations. For example, the XBRL Global Ledger community has collaborated with UN/CEFACT on the potential impact of XBRL GL. The inventor or XBRL GL, Eric E Cohen, will be moderating a half day session on "Impact of new technologies on Accounting and Audit: Harmonizing Interoperability of Standards and Specifications" on April 5 at the Palais Des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.

Eric is a global leader in the technological aspects of innovation in Accounting and Auditing, particularly blockchain and distributed ledger technologies, along with XBRL. There is more on his session on the UN site.

Eric Cohen is also a Contributing Editor for the innovative financial magazine ThinkTWENTY20.