Thursday, April 26, 2007

Technology Review: TR10: Augmented Reality

MIT has released its annual list of the top ten emerging technologies. It's always fun to speculate which of them will have an impact on e-business. This year, one that particularly catches the eye is that of Mobile Augmented Reality, which is the idea of including location sensitive digital information on mobile units like PDA's and cell phones, in effect superimposing a digital reality on the real surroundings, enhancing a person's ability to navigate and interact effectively. Mobile augmented reality gets my vote as a new killer ap for the next year or two. Technology Review: TR10: Augmented Reality

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Technology Review: Bucking convention, Time Warner Cable lets customers set up cheap Wi-Fi hotspots

As wireless becomes more prevalent, new ways of gaining access are being offered. Some of them, like Time-Warner's new sharing service involving Fon, a small wireless startup, auger well for consumers. Are much lower costs in the works? Partially, it's a natural response to the growing proliferation of free municipal networks, although they often don't work really well. Technology Review: Bucking convention, Time Warner Cable lets customers set up cheap Wi-Fi hotspots

Friday, April 20, 2007 Internet hosts should be made to pay for libellous statements, suit contends

There are a lot of sites on the Internet that allow free posting and that comment on individual people, whether they are politicians, professors, teachers, or even friends, etc. There seems to be a widespread feeling among internet users that anything goes. that they can say anything they like about that other person. However, there are libel laws, and as with so many other bodies of law, it may be that they just haven;t reached the internet yet. that will change no doubt, and one indication may be the recent lawsuit launched by a west coast business man against Google, Wikipedia and others for slanderous remarks. Legal actions like this could lead those hosting such sites to change their ways, and could have a big impact on the way the Internet is used. Internet hosts should be made to pay for libellous statements, suit contends

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

E-Commerce News: Infrastructure: The Nuts and Bolts of Virtualization

Companies have been using virtualization to get the most effective use of their infrastructure. It can make it possible for even relatively small companies to deliver better value in their online business and within their system generally. E-Commerce News: Infrastructure: The Nuts and Bolts of Virtualization

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Technology Review: Seeking to spur new revenue, wireless industry brings TV to cell phones

The Wireless industry is launching cell phone TV. Will it work? Will people watch TV on their Cell Phone? Will they be willing to pay for it? In other words will it be a viable business model? These are good questions. Technology Review: Seeking to spur new revenue, wireless industry brings TV to cell phones

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

InformationWeek Weblog: Five Signs That India Isn't Just For Back Office Work Anymore

India has been a prime outsource destination for years. It may be moving beyond that status to become a major competitor for North American high tech jobs. InformationWeek Weblog: Five Signs That India Isn't Just For Back Office Work Anymore