Friday, October 29, 2004

Peoplesoft and IBM and Oracle - they continue their dance. there are big stakes.VARBusiness | PeopleSoft Anchors Itself To IBM
Here's your opportunity! Vote for the Trites E-Business Blog!!TechWeb: The Business Technology Network

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Spam is getting deadly serious. Take a look: Globetechnology
This USA Today article presents some interesting ideas about the future of the Internet. Instead of having to look for information, the information will find us - everywhere. - Next big thing: The Web as your servant

Monday, October 18, 2004

eBay is on the move, in Canada and Internationally. They've done a remarkable job of adapting their business model to change and continue to do so. But for how long can they continue their growth? Globetechnology

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

The growing use of laptops and handhelds has left many people with an exposure to losing their data with their unit. The answer is to add security so people can't access the data even if the computer is lost. The standard password doesn't do it. Some form of encryption is usually needed. Globetechnology