Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Here's an interesting Q&A with Tim Berners-Lee and his work on the Semantic Web. Technology Review: Sir Tim Berners-Lee

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Lawrence Lessig, a Stanford law professor, is well known for his controversial take on copyright issues and intellectual property rights. His new book “Free Culture” offers an interesting tour of the world of intellectual property law and cyberspace. True to his own theories, Lessig offers a free PDF version of his book under a Creative Commons license at

Friday, September 24, 2004

We'll probably be hearing a lot more about Bot Networks. That's when others sell your computer's processing power without your knowledge. Technology Review: When Bot Nets Attack

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Speech recognition may finally be coming in major ways. But what's this about intelligent systems? Computers talking to each other. Maybe your computer and mine will build a relationship! This report from Acccenture inspires some innovative thought.Speech Recognition Finds Its Voice

Friday, September 17, 2004

South Korea is so well connected with the internet, it may give us an indication of where we are headed in North America. Globetechnology

Monday, September 13, 2004

Is long-time CRM leader Siebel losing its edge? The New York Times > Technology > The Customer Relationship Expert Takes a Dose of Its Own Medicine
Cell phones have become a part of the landscape, but have not been used to their potential for e-business purposes, at least in North America. One of the barriers has been the difficulty of getting data into them and the lack of data transferability between the phones and the web. That is changing, and new technologies are coming out to make it all easier. Technology Review: Startup Aims for Easy Transfers of Web Snippets to Cell Phones

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

The use of XBRL for filing with governments and regulators is gaining acceptance quickly. This page has a new publication from Pricewaterhousecoopers on the subject. It adds to one recently published by KPMG. XBRL : How XBRL Web Services Impacts Regulatory Assessments

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Philly, the hot spot! Make a whole city a wireless hot spot and make high speed internet available to everyone in it. Maybe it's an idea whose time has come. - Philadelphia mulls wireless society - Sep 1, 2004